Saturday, January 21, 2012

File upload site Megaupload taken down by US government!

This is a comment that follows in the next paragraph that I posted on the website Vision To America. This shows us that SOPA & PIPA are only a power grab to appease the entertainment industry and their money masters!

Okay.....from what I have read around the internet about this, it seems that SOPA & PIPA is not really needed for the American government to take care of copyright infringement. This is a company that is not based in the USA, it provides online cloud storage to people (both good & bad) and most likely did something personal to our government to earn itself as a target. Now I am seeing another report on the web news site USA - RT..... ..... that the hacktivist organization Anonymous has taken down many US government & entertainment industry websites in response to the Megaupload attack. When will "our" supposed government representatives realize that it does not matter what they try to do in shredding the rights & freedoms of the constitution of the USA! Someone who stands up to fight against tyranny & oppression will always be a true patriot in my eyes.