Friday, January 20, 2012

Congress moves the vote of SOPA!

I posted this comment that follows in the next paragraph from the blog by Gary North called The Tea Party Economist tonight to express my joy in the fact that Congress is showing signs of backing away from the anti-constitutional internet freedom killing SOPA & PIPA bills that were due for a vote this month on the 24th of January. I also want to advise caution, because they will try again to sneak this stuff through as amendments on future bills. The freedom of the internet gives all of us an alternative source to the mainstream news media, which are all only interested in promoting their version of the news to let us know only the scrubbed versions of what is going on around the world. This small victory just shows what the people coming together can do to protest whatever is being done in what is supposed to be our government only there to serve its people. Remember that money is power…..and power corrupts absolutely!

Well, I am surprised as that cat taking a car ride in that popular YouTube internet video! I just cannot believe that “We the People” finally made our voice count to getting Congress to listen to what we really want and it somehow worked in the end. I suppose the career politicians got scared that if they passed this legislation in the current form that maybe they might lose their jobs in the process. Make no mistakes, though……they will try again in a few months to sneak these ideas through in some way when this attention all dies down. The USA’s citizens must be ever vigilant to do everything we can to protect our freedom of speech, so the traitors to liberty cannot continue their attempts of shredding of our Bill of Rights & the Constitution. We Must Fight the Power!

As Ronald Reagan once said that the most terrifying thing to hear is, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

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